Blood Flow Restriction


Shown to increase strength and hypertrophy of targeted muscles when used in the appropriate dosage.

Blood flow restriction (BFR) training is a form of exercise that involves using a tourniquet-like device to restrict blood flow to the working muscles during resistance training. The idea behind BFR training is that by restricting blood flow, the muscles are forced to work harder and become fatigued quicker, resulting in greater muscle growth and strength gains. Studies have shown that BFR training can be used to treat a variety of injuries, including knee osteoarthritis and Achilles tendinopathy. Additionally, BFR training has been shown to be an effective method for inducing muscle hypertrophy (muscle growth) in healthy individuals, even when using low-load weights, which makes it a perfect adjunct to post-operative rehabilitation. The mechanism of muscle growth in BFR training is thought to be the result of an increased production of muscle protein, which leads to an increase in muscle size and strength. BFR training is a safe and effective technique for treating injuries and inducing muscle hypertrophy, and it is often used in conjunction with other forms of exercise such as traditional resistance training.